
Meet....Kelly Danaher

Specialist Area Of Work
Account Handler

Q: When did you join Haven Knox-Johnston?

A: October 2022

Q: What’s the best bit of the job for you?

A: Chatting with our clients and meeting them at the boat shows.

Q: What sort of boat do/did you own/sail?

A: I used to work on  a cruise ship, does that count?

Q: How did you get into sailing?

A: A friend of mine already worked for HKJ and I got to visit the Round the Island Race.

Q: What’s been your greatest sailing experience?

A: At the Round the Island race I got the opportunity to go out on a RIB and follow alongside the race.

Q: Got any future sailing ambitions?

A: Not to sail, but to get out on the paddleboard as soon as the weather warms up!

Q: Where would you say is the best place to have fun on the water? Canoeing in Kent? Banana-boating in Benidorm?

A: Definitely out on the paddleboard in Kent at sunset – just beautiful…

Q: What’s your favourite boat-related film, book or song?

A: Speed 2, not because of the film but it was filmed on the vessel I worked on – Seabourn Legend.

Q: And finally, what’s your favourite riverside pub?!

A: Any… or should I say lots!


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